Saline Area Social Service (SASS) has announced move to new location, “expected to be completed mid-summer, 2022 ….
The property is located in Wood Duck Business Park, near Saline High School and Walmart. This new location is four times the size of our current space and very accessible ….
We need more room.
Because of space limitations, our clients haven’t been able to enter our current building to meet with SASS staff or do their own shopping for over two years ….
Our new home will allow us to invite our clients back into the facility to shop for themselves and have the warm, inviting customer experience that we were able to offer prior to the pandemic.
Interested in volunteering to help with the move?
We have a wide range of needs where we can use your help! Fill out the sign up form to let us know that you can lend a hand and when you are available.
Help us raise $850,000!
SASS depends on annual giving to sustain its day-to-day operations, but to expand our ability to serve, we ask our community to make an additional, one-time commitment beyond their regular giving to support this campaign ….