Now that you’ve had time to warm up to the concept — and, perhaps more importantly, so has “the competition” — it’s time to put the peddal down on making your 2019 scarecrow.
Entries for the upcoming Saline Scarecrow Contest can be registered starting the weekend of September 28. Look for the first of these the following Tuesday, October 1. But don’t be surprised if perennial Borer Family Chiropractic event organizer mascot “Waldo” starts making appearances hither and thither early this month. [1,2]
A little over two months ago, Saline Journal all-but-announced the theme for year number eight, now. Those with whom it failed to register may be forgiven an unwillingness if not inability to consider back in June such things more immediately associated with falling leaves and windbreaker jackets. [3]
But today it is officially official.
“Superheroes” is the theme for our 2019 Saline Scarecrow Contest.
For a better feel for what this means in spirit as well as concept, consider the striking figures that have been placed about the CS Mott Children’s Hospital main entry area. Not far from the street doors is a contemporary likeness of Wonder Woman. Approached via corredors from the main University Hospital, a more traditional Superman has been set at the ready. [4-7]
Spend a little time in the environment of which they are an integral part and the deeper meaning of “superhero” expands to become clearer. Yes, superheroes are the stuff of fantasy. In wonderful places, the stuff of dreams. In more challenging places, often welcome distractions.
At CS Mott Children’s Hospital, they also serve to trigger consideration of what it means to be a superhero. Surgical teams that seemingly perform miracles within these walls on a daily basis, along side fellow staff members who could be anywhere else, doing anything else, but choose to be here, in this place, doing their part to help maximize those miracles in the most pedestrian of ways — with optimism. [8]
From there thoughts turn to the patients themselves. Unbelievably young and courageous children themselves, who could hardly be expected to imagine what the struggles that they are enduring on behalf of themselves will and do mean to countless others. Count parents and friends and loved ones and everyone else who steps up among these incredible ranks of superheroes as well. [9]
“That’s what we have in mind,” said Dr Rob Borer in summary. “I can think of scarecrows in front of Emagine Theatre that show off the latest movies or even television shows that feature traditional ‘superheroes.’ [10]
That’s exciting for the whole community. You see that and you want to see what else is being done with scarecrows around Saline.
At the same time, what if you had one of the scarecrows from Saline Area Social Service right next to it? Maybe not what you’d first think of as a ‘superhero,’ but representing the super job that Saline Area Social Service does for people in need in Saline. [11]
Such a placement could additionally represent the superhero role that Emagine Entertainment takes on in every community where it takes on a brick-and-mortar presence. Saline Area Social Service was one such beneficiary when our own Emagine Theatre opened here in March of 2017. [12]
As much as placing any character from the Marvel or DC Universe in scarecrow form at the four corners downtown, Dr Borer can imagine likenesses honoring local first-responder departments proudly placed along side them. “Or at City Hall, for the Police Department,” he proffered, citing the 2018 VIPS entry as “a good start. [13-17]
I’d like to see more areas of the Police Department, and the people who take 911 calls. I’d like to see scarecrows representing the Fire Department — right out where everyone can see them and recognize what they do, and vote for them. [18]
In support of this more widely cast net of scarecrows throughout the City of Saline, Dr Rob Borer will begin working with Saline Journal in early October to post maps of scarecrow locations. Plans are to have weekly updates available each Saturday.
Finally, event organizers recommend that contestants complete their scarecrows as early as practical. This not only serves to maximize exposure, but also increases placement options: A single post will only accomodate so many scarecrows in more densely situated areas such as downtown and shopping centers.
With that, let final preparations for this contest begin.
- “Saline Scarecrow Contest” Borer Family Chiropractic.
- Borer Family Chiropractic (home page).
- “Upcoming Saline Scarecrow Contest plans to aim higher with 2019 theme: What characters do you associate with heroic deeds?” Dell Deaton (June 21, 2019) Saline Journal.
- CS Mott Children’s Hospital (home page).
- “Wonder Woman” Warner Brothers.
- “University Hospital” Michigan Medicine: University of Michigan.
- “Character: Superman” DC Universe.
- “Exclusive Interview with Dr John Charpie on UofM CS Mott Congenital Heart Center LPGA Volvik Pro-Am” Dell Deaton (May 14, 2018) Saline Journal.
- “Exclusive Photograph of One of the Winners of Inaugural CS Mott Congenital Heart Center LPGA Volvik Pro-Am” Janet Deaton (May 23, 2018) Saline Journal.
- Emagine Entertainment (home page).
- Saline Area Social Service (home page).
- “New corporate video takes time to explain how Emagine Entertainment serves in communities of which it is a part” Dell Deaton (May 8, 2019) Saline Journal.
- Marvel (home page).
- DC Comics (home page).
- “Remember September 11, 2001 – When Our First Responders Did What They Are Dedicated To Doing Everyday, As Always” Dell Deaton (September 11, 2018) Saline Journal.
- “Police Department” Saline.
- “Saline Police Department Set To Debut Its New ‘Volunteers In Public Safety’ (VIPS) Program On Oktoberfest Opening Day” Dell Deaton (September 27, 2018) Saline Journal.
- “Saline Area Fire Department” Saline.