Baby Boomers, and maybe a handful of those born after, will recall a time when Thanksgiving was a rote affair.
Everyone knew where it was held, year in, year out. What time everyone was supposed to arrive (and who, notwithstanding, invariably arrived late). Some politely brought a side or supplemental desert item to pass — but no one depended upon any of that. Most importantly, everyone knew who was responsible for cooking.
Today such things seem forever relegated to the imagery of Norman Rockwell. Yet the tradition and importance of the family gathering on this most American holiday remains, now manifest through a planning process played out like a game of Tag, You’re It! Play seems to begin later and later each year, and for some, final resolution hadn’t come until the last weekend before November 22, 2018 had come to pass. [1]
Surprise: This year, the entire meal is your responsibility.
Fear not: “Busch’s Kitchen” has you covered. But only if you place your order by noon on Tuesday, November 20. [2]
Earlier today, Busch’s Fresh Food Market Deli Manager Rachael Fitzmaurice took time out from her busier-than-usual morning schedule to talk particulars with Saline Journal.
Beginning with the basics, her team can prepare a complete meal that serves six to eight. That means a fully cooked 10-12 pound Plainville Organic Turkey, turkey gravy, and a choice of three sides. Hosting a bigger table? Order multiples. For smaller sized groups of two to four people, there’s the turkey breast meal, again, including gravy and sides, but in smaller portions.
She also mentioned that, although heretical to some, complete meals centered on spiral sliced ham and garlic pepper rubbed rib roast can also be ordered.
Although Thanksgiving orders started to come in at the beginning of this month, Ms Fitzmaurice said that she has seen them peak the week prior during the last three years she’s been managing these preparations with Busch’s. They’ll typically ready fifty to sixty meals for the day, with her current count at forty-five.
“Of course,” she added from experience, “I’m ready for a flood of orders today and up ’til noon on Tuesday.”
Her own day on Thursday will begin when she arrives at Busch’s Saline just before 4:00am. The important thing is that the turkeys not only have been fully cooked, but also brought down to proper temperature before pickup time — which can be anywhere from 7:00am to 2:00pm (Busch’s will then close at 4:00pm for the holiday). She also noted that customers need to allow time to reheat these courses before serving; that will take some hours. Instructions are included to guide even the most novice among the pack through that final furlong.
When asked which side were most favored among the approximate dozen offered, the Saline Busch’s Deli Manager gave an answer that might be surprising to some. “Sagebrush stuffing,” she replied without hesitation. “That, and green bean casserole and cranberry orange relish.”
Not potatoes? “Not potatoes. Most people think they can handle that on their own. So they order the things they’d like to have but don’t think they can prepare.”
In closing, note that Busch’s Kitchen has no requirement nor mechanism for checking to see that customers give credit where credit is due for delicacies such as this. Do be aware, however, that any praise you may chose to accept for your own hand here may make the choice of host for Thanksgiving 2019 a far more obvious one than this time around.
- “Norman Rockwell: A Brief Biography” Norman Rockwell Museum.
- Busch’s Fresh Food Market (home page).