Although the word “business” appears in the headline, this article is for everyone who is currently employed. For anyone who owns or is invested in a resource from which they derive reliable income. Or, for that matter, who can depend upon a loved one, parent, spouse, relative or other relationship to provide for their daily needs in life — and probably a good bit more.
In early September, Saline Journal ran a piece in our marketing section that was focused on planning in order to take better control over fourth-quarter earning potential. “Black Friday,” it said at one point, “is safely over eleven weeks away (or 81 days, for those who are intent on counting).” [1]
Today that then-so-distant calendar page is a mere eight days distant, indelibly inked for November 23.
The day before is Thanksgiving.
If this was a “planning for profitability” article, the notion of ink on paper implied two sentences above might be a point of contention. Power scheduling teams might argue the relative merits of using Google Calendar versus Microsoft Outlook. But this is more fundamental than any of that. It is, simply, about the what that should be entered on all of those calendars. Individually. And corporately.
Specifically, timely, Jamail Aikens has asked Saline Journal readers not to make financial contributions to Saline Area Social Service today. As its director, he went on to ask that no money be given tomorrow, either. Nor on the next day, or the next day, or the next day after that. [4]
Not a penny on Thanksgiving Day. Not a dollar on Black Friday. Not a check or a credit card swipe on Small Business Saturday. And by no means should anyone hold back when the collection plate is passed during church on the Sunday after that. Cyber Monday? Saline Area Social Service isn’t looking for clicks to its PayPal account. [5]
But he has encouraged everyone to make sure one very important item is marked on their calendars for November 27. Among the better known labels above, it is known as “Giving Tuesday,” or “A Global Day of Giving.” [6]
Eligable money donations of up to $12,500 made on that day through the Reinhart Charitable Foundation will be matched one-to-one. Locally, this will be facilitated by Realtor Elke Van Dyke through Eastgate Saline Reinhart office on East Michigan Avenue, in The Oaks plaza next to Subway. But it’s important that donations be made here and on this date. [7,8,9]
“Our goal for this part of the year is to start seeding 2019,” Jamail Aikins told Saline Journal. Under his leadership in recent years, Saline Area Social Service has stabilized and gotten onto a firm footing as a dependable community resource for those in need. “Our goal is to have set thirty to fifty percent of our cash operating budget before the year starts. It takes effort to do what we do.
“Six thousand dollars a month in regular contributions stabilizes us,” he added. “That meets the needs of food and emergency assistance. We raise funds in November for that. ‘Giving Tuesday’ is important for that.” [10]
As those who planned and worked their calendars throughout 2018 can attest, and in particular going into and thus far for the fourth quarter, scheduling and implementation are very good things. They set the stage for a joyful Thanksgiving. And, alhough businesses and individuals invariably want more, these are the elements that go into maximizing what may come of Black Friday next week.
Now, by adding a vital one more thing to those plans, on November 27, all of that can have twice the impact — for the greater Saline community as a whole. Paper- or cloud-based, anyone who rests easier with a bit more control over his or her life will certainly empathize with that.
- “Businesses Can Take Control Of ‘Suddenly September’ With One Calendar That Turns Bottom Lines From Summer To Serious” Dell Deaton (September 4, 2018) Saline Journal.
- Google Calendar (home page).
- Microsoft Outlook (home page).
- Saline Area Social Service (home page).
- “Donations” Saline Area Social Service.
- “#GivingTuesday for Saline Area Social Service” Saline Area Social Service.
- “Reinhart Establishes Charitable Foundation to Benefit the Community” Greer Thibodeau (May 14, 2018) Reinhart.
- Reinhart Charitable Foundation (Facebook Page).
- “Elke VanDyke” Reinhart.
- “Upcoming Events” Saline Area Social Service.