Local Notices (March 3, 2020)—
From the City of Saline mayor, published to Saline Journal with written permission from Brian Marl. [1-5]
Important information from the City of Saline Government’s Health Officer, Dr Yuktanand Singh MD, regarding the Coronavirus: Let’s all do our best to be safe and healthy; feel free to share the timely information that is provided below. [6-11]
During the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) saga, the probability of having it within our community rises everyday. Just like other viruses, it is only a matter of time before we may see this at our doorstep. [12]
COVID-19 is a respiratory virus. A respiratory virus spreads by air droplets. It requires no physical contact to spread. When an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes, droplets containing the virus enter the air. People nearby subsequently breathe-in the droplets and may become infected. Direct contact with a sick person’s hands, tissues, towels, et cetera, contaminated with respiratory secretions, also spreads the virus.
COVID-19 is different from other coronaviruses in that someone with this virus can infect others even before [they, themselves, have] any symptoms of illness. This makes it rather difficult to control.
It is thus imperative that we all are vigilant and that we are proactive in its prevention. We must start now and not wait to do this until this infection is found among us.
Here are a few steps that we should take now. [13]
Avoid unnecessary exposure to crowded spaces in closed quarters, particularly during the colder months. Avoid unnecessary close physical contact, hand shakes et cetera.
Avoid drinking from water fountains or sharing cups bottles et cetera.
Wash hands often. Wash hands when returning from public places, =before= touching your face or surfaces at home. A Good (20-second) hand-washing is at the center of all infection control measures.
Hand sanitizers are less effective than soap and water. Hand sanitizers do not remove dirt. Use a hand sanitizer only if soap and water are not available, and wash hands properly as soon after as possible.
Ordinary face masks are not a good protection from respiratory illnesses. N95-type masks act as protective barriers against viruses. These are already in short supply and they should be reserved for health care workers. Level-3 masks offer partial protection.
A face mask, as well as any other face covering (eg, a scarf) help control the spread of infected air droplets. They impede forceful ejection that occurs with cough or sneezing, and thus they are protective towards others. People with fever and flu-like illness should use a face mask when among others or at least cover the face during cough etc.
Most people with COVID-19 infection will only have mild flu-like illness. Some will have no symptoms at all.
If you have a flu-like illness, stay home. Do not go into public places. Before visiting your doctor, call to see if you need to be seen, or if you will need testing done at the hospital or a facility suitable to test for COVID-19. [14,15]
Please also visit the “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)” section of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for the latest national updates.
- Originally released via Facebook on February 28, 2020 to personal page for Brian Marl. Saline Journal made this exception to our exclusives-only policy for “Other Voices” content due to extremely unique nature of the coronavirus (COVID-19) health concern.
- “I’m looking at coronavirus, since re-branded “COVID-19,” in far more than the too-limited terms of healthcare” Dell Deaton (March 2, 2020) Saline Journal.
- Brian Marl (Facebook Page).
- “City of Saline Departments and Elected Officials” Saline.
- Saline (home page).
- “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)” CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- “Novel Coronavirus Reports” CDC.
- “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak” World Health Organization (WHO).
- “Rolling updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)” World Health Organization.
- “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)” Health Department, Washtenaw County Michigan.
- “COVID-19: What You Need to Know” (February 13, 2020) Washtenaw County Health Department.
- “Americans should prepare for coronavirus crisis in US, CDC says” Erika Edwards (February 25, 2020) NBC News.
- “Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities” CDC.
- “Self-quarantine may provide option to slow spread of coronavirus” Angela N Baldwin and Sony Salzman (February 29, 2020) ABC News.
- “What to buy for your home emergency kit if you’re quarantined during the coronavirus outbreak” Katie Warren (March 1, 2020) Business Insider.