Articles by Dell Deaton

Tweet “Liked” by @AnnArborSPARK: “I never truly understood the value of having a relationship with a small local bank until COVID-19. My 2 businesses were quickly approved for PPP loans weeks ago. They handled our ….

Fake news attacks on President Donald Trump continue to prove immune to COVID-19. “Dr Birx Waves Off Trump’s Disinfectant Comment, Says ‘This Was a Musing.” as reported by Justin Baragona on April 26 in the ….

State of Michigan rising among national news headlines for out response to COVID-19 pandemic. “Oh My: Michigan Legislature Calls Special Session— To Strip Whitmer Of Emergency Powers,” by Ed Morrissey, Hot Air. Couldn’t happen to ….

State Representative Karen Whitsett appeared on The Glenn Beck Show, heard weekdays beginning at 9:00am on AM 1600 WAAM. Today re-Tweeted Glenn Beck, who wrote: “Michigan State Rep Karen Whitsett, @KayLyme, was hammered by her ….

Who forgot to order the *#$% ventilators? Studied direction “by the book” have designated priorities for COVID-19
Ongoing coverage of novel coronavirus disease 2019 continues to feel like a story being told from a point that never quite starts from the beginning. [1-3] If there’s a strategy to this, a part of ….

State of Michigan drew national attention this week as diverse, unheard voices sought help with COVID-19 distress
Long before “official” noon opening time for “Operation Gridlock” protests in Lansing yesterday, a lot had already been written about it. A lot said, too — including by its target, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. [1,2] ….

Today is “International Functional Neurological Disorder Awareness Day” and here’s what you need to know about it
It is definitely not a seizure nor a stroke. But symptoms often look like those related to the dissociative presentations of a seizure. Or the functional weakness of a stroke. Or both. [1] The difficulty ….

Suicide prevention and depression resources are available, essential services; any reason is reason enough to call
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a free and confidential resource available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. [1] 800-273-8255 800-273-TALK This national network of local crisis centers has been set up to ….