Focusing on the more granular question of “when” abortion should be legal, Breitbart news has cited a Friday broadcast of “Katy Tur Reports” from MSNBC. “Host Katy Tur asked, “The country — the majority of ….
Focusing on the more granular question of “when” abortion should be legal, Breitbart news has cited a Friday broadcast of “Katy Tur Reports” from MSNBC. “Host Katy Tur asked, “The country — the majority of ….
NBC News analysis released today detailed “Which Prices Are Rising The Most As Inflation Hits 41 Year High” in 4:16-minute video posted to YouTube. Citing data sourced from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics: ….
Just released: “US inflation at 9.1 percent, a record high,” at reported by PBS this morning. “Surging prices for gas, food and rent catapulted U.S. inflation to a new four-decade peak in June …. … ….
via TED Conferences (February 1998) “Billy Graham: Technology, faith and human shortcomings“: In Monterey California, The Reverend Billy Graham delivered a talk of just over twenty-six minutes to a Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED) conference ….
Today (July 8, 2022) is last day to purchase tickets for Saline Area Social Service (SASS) Annual Fundraiser. From their announcement: “Please join Saline Area Social Service at Stonebridge Golf Club for an evening of ….
Latest Gallup measure of “confidence in institutions” showed five “at their lowest points in at least three decades of measurement, including the church or organized religion (31%), newspapers (16%), the criminal justice system (14%), big ….
From the Editor— Although I have occasionally written about the advancement of D² Enterprises over the passage of thirty-nine years, this editorial has returned to that for perspective on an important change that will come ….
Independence Day— via Billy Graham (1970): “I find that there is a certain fear and expected cosmic judgment that hangs over our country at this hour, as the Devine timepiece ticks away. Thomas Jefferson felt ….
via Got Questions (December 26, 2018)— “How is Satan god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4)“: “The phrase ‘god of this world’ (or ‘god of this age’) indicates that Satan is the major influence on ….
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