Resurrection Sunday—
In anticipation of this day, Reverend Brett Younger of Plymouth Church in Brooklyn New York recently wrote, “… people in the United States will wish Easter felt like it did three years ago. They will put on new shoes and wonder if ….
On Easter Sunday, people in Kyiv will wish Easter felt like it did three years ago. They will put on their best clothes and make their way to 800 churches in the city. Sanctuaries will be decorated with rearranged funeral arrangements. As the preacher reads about the women with tears in their eyes going to the graveyard, everyone will know exactly what that feels like ….
… Easter is for those who have been to the cemetery …. The truth of Easter is that the darkness is overwhelming, but no matter how horrible the night, light will come in the morning.
citation “Easter is for those who have been to the cemetery” Brett Younger (April 12, 2022) Baptist News Global