via Lifeway Research (April 5, 2021)— “Americans Most Want to Avoid Fear and Anxiety, Gain Freedom and Safety,” by Aaron Earls:
After what was a scary year for many, more Americans say they want to avoid fear.
According to a study from Lifeway Research, when asked which feeling they seek to avoid the most, 4 in 10 U.S. adults (41%) say fear. Far fewer say shame (24%) or guilt (22%). Around 1 in 10 aren’t sure ….
‘For many Americans, circumstances in 2020 led to an increased focus on their fears,’ said Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research. ‘Many feared getting COVID; others feared social unrest during protests; and politicians played on people’s fears in ads and speeches.’
… The top source of hope for U.S. adults through 2020 is the kindness people have shown (40%), followed closely by relationships (38%), their religious faith (36%), and their finances being stable (33%).
‘About half as many Americans who identify with a religious faith credit that faith with giving them hope during 2020,” said McConnell. ‘The Christian faith points followers of Jesus to a more hopeful future, which should shine even brighter during dark times.’
Fewer Americans drew hope from the knowledge of scientists and experts (19%), recreation or fun they had (17%), new opportunities (14%), their work (13%), or research they’ve done themselves (10%). One in 20 say none of these (5%) or they’re not sure (5%) ….