In his quarterly report to Saline City Council earlier this month, Police Chief Jerrod Hart said to anticipate candy distributions this Halloween. Tonight is the night for that. [1,2]
Look for the offically marked Volunteers in Public Safety (“VIPS”) patrol vehicle out in neighborhoods between the hours of 6:00pm and 8:00pm. As always, this will help extend the presence and connection with sworn police officers on duty to keep things safe — especially during higher traffic events such as this. All VIPS personnel wear uniforms and have City of Saline identification. [3]
As often as practical, the VIPS unit will stop to serve trick-or-treaters, much as they did during Trunk-or-Treat! only this time the treats come to the children. Additionally, our Saline Police Department has partnered with Oakwood Church to host a “Halloween Candy Check and Wind-Down Event” at the UAW Hall on Woodland Drive, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. [4,5,6,7,8,9]
It has been additionally reported that the Saline Police Department VIPS Scarecrow Contest entry, affectionately known as “Sammy Vips,” will remain on display in front of the Huntington Bank building until sometime after 8:00pm tonight. But don’t go looking to him for treats. He takes his duty shift very seriously, 24/7. [10]
Happy Halloween!
- “Saline City Council Meeting 10-15-2018” (starting at 25:03) City of Saline (October 17, 2018) Vimeo.
- “Police Department” City of Saline.
- “Saline Police Department Set To Debut Its New ‘Volunteers In Public Safety’ (VIPS) Program On Oktoberfest Opening Day” Dell Deaton (September 27, 2018) Saline Journal.
- Trunk or Treat! report (October 24, 2018) Saline Police Department (Facebook Post).
- “Downtown Saline Trunk-or-Treat!” (October 24, 2018) Saline Main Street.
- Oakwood Church (home page).
- “Halloween Candy Check and Wind-Down Event” announcement (October 29, 2018) Saline Police Department (Facebook Post).
- UAW Local 892 Saline (home page).
- Organizer note: “This is not a drop off event. Parents are to remain with their children at all times.”
- “Saline Scarecrow Contest” Borer Family Chiropractic.