Brian Marl is running unopposed to serve on Saline City Council as Mayor. This is a separate seat from the three other Council Member places up for election on the upcoming November 6 ballot. [1]
Earlier this month, Saline Journal invited Mr Marl to share his thoughts with our readers on a specific series of questions. His responses appear below. Responses City Council candidates Janet Dillon, Dean Girbach, and Christen Mitchell ran last week in Saline Journal. [2]
Saline Journal: “What would you list as your top five priorities for Saline City Council in 2019?” [3]
Brian Marl:
- Strong Financial Stewardship
- Support for Public Safety
- Investment in our Infrastructure
- Economic Development
- Openness & Transparency in City Government
Saline Journal: “In what year were you first elected to Council? Since that time, what decision do you most regret? Why?”
Brian Marl: “I was first elected to City Council in 2008, and was elected Mayor in 2012. I am currently serving my third term as Mayor of Saline.
By nature, I am very thoughtful about the decisions I make and the votes I cast. I am proud of my record and the impact my service has had on the community.
However, I do regret my support for the ‘BeSaline’ website in 2009. In concept, it could have been a great tool to support our businesses and market the events and festivities that take place in our area, but it lacked technical support and buy-in from the private sector. Candidly, it became something of a boondoggle. [4,5,6]
Saline Journal: “If you were to choose one issue with which you’d like your name associated as a Council champion twenty years from now, what would that be? How did you, personally, advance that cause?”
Brian Marl: “Business growth, and economic development, because cities are not sustainable without jobs, revenue and amenities for citizens to enjoy. I have worked tirelessly to recruit businesses to the area, by offering common-sense incentives, working with regional partners like MEDC and Ann Arbor SPARK, organizing events like business forums and our recent Job Fair, and establishing the Code Review Task Force, to modernize our regulations, and reduce the burden on our entrepreneurs.” [7,8,9]
Saline Journal: “How important is it for any given member of Council to be ‘in sync’ with the voters? local businesses? Explain.”
Brian Marl: “Critically important; elected officials must remain open and accessible to their constituents. Personally, I feel its incumbent to share my vision for the community’s future, but also to understand our residents questions and concerns.
I will continue to work with my Council colleagues to organize forums, and will continue to schedule town-halls and office hours in order to remain accessible to the people I represent. Community members are also encouraged to connect with me by phone or online and via social media.
Saline Journal: “Please describe what you see as the key differences in serving as mayor, as opposed to another member of Council. What challenges must be overcome in order for Council to succeed with its mayor?” [10]
Brian Marl: “Both play important roles. As Mayor, its important to be proactive, articulate a vision, and of course, set the tone for City government. Mayors must also see themselves as stewards and ambassadors for the community, celebrating and advancing our people and businesses and working to attract new investment to our area.”
Saline Journal: “With more than a dozen scarecrow creations once again adorning local store fronts, with which do you most personally identify? How So? [11]
Brian Marl: “They are all impressive. I am particularly impressed by the Jabba the Hut, produced by Saline Optometry. However, as a life long member, and former President of St Paul United Church of Christ, my favorite scarecrow is the one designed by our congregation’s youth.” [12,13,14]
Additionally, each candidate was offered the opportunity to put forth a question of their own and then answer it for publication here. Mr Marl left this section blank.
- “City of Saline Departments and Elected Officials: Saline City Council” Saline.
- “Major Political Party Candidates Have Answered Questions In Races Of Local Interest To Saline Michigan” Dell Deaton (October 12, 2018) Saline Journal.
- Candidates were requested to limit their responses to ten words or less per item.
- “besaline.com” City of Saline (February 26, 2009) Whois.
- “City of Saline Launches a New Web-Site BeSaline.com” Missy Caulk (November 1, 2009) Active Rain.
- BeSaline URL currently re-directs to VisitSaline website.
- MEDC: Michigan Economic Development Corporation (home page).
- Ann Arbor SPARK (home page).
- “Saline Area Job Fair Yesterday Continues To Serve Three Vital Constituencies: Believe It Or Not, You’re One Of Them” Dell Deaton (October 17, 2018) Saline Journal.
- This is the only question for the office of Mayor that differs from those posed to other three Council Member candidates.
- “Saline Scarecrow Contest” Borer Family Chiropractic.
- “Jabba the Hutt” Star Wars.
- Saline Optometry (home page).
- St Paul United Church of Christ (home page).