Jeff Irwin is the Democratic Party candidate running to serve in the Michigan Legislature on behalf of the 18th Senate District, of which Saline is a part. His Republican opponent is Martin Church. [1,2]
Earlier this month, Saline Journal invited each individual to share their thoughts with our readers on a specific series of questions. Responses from Democrat Irwin appear below. Responses from Republican Church ran in Saline Journal yesterday. [3]
Saline Journal: “What would you list as your top five priorities in Lansing for 2019?” [4]
Jeff Irwin:
- Increase support for K-12 education and early childhood education
- Hold polluters accountable for cleaning up toxic pollution
- Pass laws to prevent discrimination in employment and housing
- Make substance abuse treatment available on demand
- Fix our aging transportation and water infrastructure
Saline Journal: “US-12 is recognized and revered for its place among ‘the oldest road corridors east of the Mississippi River,’ and it literally cuts the City of Saline into two parts. How would you recommend improving our position with regard to Michigan Avenue?” [5,6]
Jeff Irwin: “First and foremost, I would seek the advice of the Mayor, Saline City Council, and local citizens regarding the future of Michigan Ave in Saline.
As one of the ‘oldest road corridors’ in America, US-12 has some historical advantages and charm that can be leveraged in even greater ways, but we also don’t want the road to detract from the great downtown feel already present in Saline.
Having said that, the age of the roadway doesn’t take advantage of newer road and sidewalk design elements that can help facilitate a vibrant downtown. I look forward to being a partner to city leaders in making sure the state helps align US-12 and downtown Saline with the community’s long terms goals.
Saline Journal: “How, specifically, would you describe Saline to other Senators in Lansing — as a place, and in terms of needs and opportunities?”
Jeff Irwin: “Saline is a small city with a friendly, intimate downtown and a population of around 9,000. Saline thrives because of a great school district and the good jobs nearby. In terms of needs, Saline needs the state to step up and provide more support to schools and to foster economic opportunities for local manufacturers and other employers.” [6]
Saline Journal: “From 1998 to 2008, Saline had a museum where a sizable collection of marionettes, properties, and materials used by the famed puppeteer Meredith Bixby were publicly displayed. Do you think that something similar can and should be supported by the state?” [7]
Jeff Irwin: “Yes. The state supports many worthy arts and cultural investments. Supporting arts, culture, and history is an important economic development priority. I support bringing the state in as a partner to support the success of museums like this.”
Saline Journal: “Over the last two years, a number of municipalities have passed their own non-discrimination ordinances, arguing that Michigan statutes provide insufficient protections. Do you agree or disagree with these actions? What should Lansing be doing as next steps in response?” [8]
Jeff Irwin: “I agree with these actions. Better yet, Michigan should add protections for LGBTQ people to our civil rights law. It should be illegal to fire somebody or to deny them housing because of their gender expression or sexual orientation. In the past, I have co-sponsored legislation to fix this hole in our anti-discrimination laws and I intend to continue that work if elected to the state senate.”
Saline Journal: “Describe a memorable meal you’ve had in downtown Saline. [9]
Jeff Irwin: “I’ve had a number of great meals in Saline but the most memorable is the most recent. After a long day of canvassing in Saline, the campaign team met at Salt Springs Brewery and had an excellent meal to debrief the responses on the doors.”
Additionally, each candidate was offered the opportunity to put forth a question of their own and then answer it for publication here. Mr Irwin left this section blank.
- Irwin: Democrat for State Senate (home page).
- Michigan Senate (home page).
- “Major Political Party Candidates Have Answered Questions In Races Of Local Interest To Saline Michigan” Dell Deaton (October 12, 2018) Saline Journal.
- Candidates were requested to limit their responses to ten words or less per item.
- US 12 Heritage Trail (home page).
- “Highway History: US 12 Michigan to Washington” US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
- “A Brief Look Back On The Meredith Bixby Marionette Story, Part II: Saline Once Hosted Museum, Held Puppet Festivals” Dell Deaton (September 21, 2018) Saline Journal.
- “New Non-Discrimination Ordinance Can Further Enhance the Value of Saline” Dell Deaton (April 3, 2018) Saline Journal.
- Saline Main Street (home page).