In less than a month, voters will cast ballots for elective offices that have a great deal of influence over the way that business is conducted and lives are lived in this community. [1,2]
Platform statements, debates, and public appearances are invaluable to helping inform those decisions. Independent news sources can add further value by presenting candidates with an opportunity to speak with their audiences on areas of identified interest. Saline Journal has done just that for the November 6, 2018 election.
Earlier this month, we developed a series of questions intended to elicit better understanding of candidates’ interests and approaches to subjects closer to the ground here. The same list of inquiries was posed to each of the two leading contestants seeking the same office. Starting next week, the written answers from each will run in a sequence of stand-alone articles; other than fitting responses to our format, no changes, corrections, or cuts will be made. Interviews will be run stand-alone, alphabetized by last name. No content will be released for any race until responses from both candidates has been received.
Saline Journal doesn’t give endorsements. Neither do we run press releases. Additionally, the coming articles will be rather limited in terms of the links typically provided by way of recommendations for further reading. Anything beyond that must respectfully be left to the process of each individual reader.
That said, we do want to thank every candidate and the staffs working diligently on their behalf for cooperating with us on this effort. Demands placed on their schedules are unbelievable in these last weeks before election day. Understandably, they choose to invest their time where they feel they can make the greatest reach, have the greatest impact.
That they have chosen to include Saline Journal for this is a testament to their respect for this community and our shared interests.
- “Elections and Voter Information” Saline.
- “Election Information” Saline.