As reported here earlier this season, our own Saline Area Social Service (SASS) is “always at the top of the list” of local organizations supported by the Saline Street Machines signature event. Last Saturday was no different. [1,2]
Starting with the show opening at 9:00am, SASS volunteer Orlando Nunn was busy hawking tickets on North Ann Arbor, East McKay, and Municipal Lot 1. Dubbed the “50/50 Raffle,” anyone feeling lucky had three options for making purchases to contribute and simultaneously compete for half the final kitty. A buck bought a single ticket. Ten dollars bought the number of tickets equalling “one arm’s length.”
But the best deal was the twenty-dollar “full wing span,” for as many tickets as measured from finger tip of left hand to finger tip of right with arms outstretched. As there was no stipulation on whose arms that might be, Saline Journal staff gladly lent a hand (or two) in connection with several transactions when asked.
Mr Nunn stuck with this until 1:30pm, joined by Saline Area Social Service Director Jamail Aikens at noon. Mr Aikens then sold until the offering closed at 3:00pm when cash and stubs were handed over to show organizers.
“We made around $275,” Mr Aikens reported this morning.
“Our current effort is the ‘Back-to-School Program,’ so this money will go to supplement that. We’re completing an order for one hundred gift cards at $25 apiece that people can use to buy shoes at Walmart.
“We’ll be collecting back-to-school supplies through August 20 — next Monday,” he continued. “Then on the Monday after that, we’ll distribute.”
Although the 50/50 Raffle for 2018 is now over, there are two ongoing opportunities for readers to participate in other ways. First, enter “cars” in the Search box just below the Saline Journal masthead, to the right. Enjoy the many photographs and stories related to the topic from the comfort of your viewing platform of choice.
Second: Follow the “Get Involved” link below to the Saline Area Social Service website and give generously to your local community. [3]
- “There Is Only One Car Show That Literally Stops Traffic On The Streets Of Downtown Saline, And Will Again On August 11” Dell Deaton (June 25, 2018) Saline Journal.
- Saline Area Social Service (home page).
- “Get Involved” Saline Area Social Service.