Consider Gifting Year-Round Decorations This Holiday Season

Mary Bowe of Saline PIcture Frame
Mary Bowe of Saline Picture Frame Company is shown here in her store holding a custom float-mounted postcard featuring a photograph of historic Rentschler Farm in an Urban Ashes picture frame. © 2017 d2 Saline, All Rights Reserved. USA

Back in the days when cameras required film to capture images, the phrase “Kodak moment” came to describe both process and result. [1]

The advent of digital photography made the first part even easier. Computers, connected televisions, and vivid smartphone screens would have then had us feel that making a commitment to just one shot for display on wall or desktop is somehow insufficient in the second part of the equation.

As it turns out, that’s wrong. [2]

People may not want digital photo frames. But they do want framed pictures, illustrations, and art. As gifts, these pieces strike a delicate balance. Distinctly unique as a reflection of the giver. But not intrusive, as candy and the cliché Christmas sweater can often feel for the recipient. [3]

Framed items may connote “labor of love” if you wish (after all, even a simple lithograph behind glass had to have been assembled by someone, with some effort). Better still, they vary in size and price.

Locally, Saline Picture Frame Company provides all of the above, with distinction, in a number of notable ways. [4]

Suppose you have a standard size print of your own — your image, or one you’ve purchased. Hurried, you’ve waited until longer than you should have. No problem. Walk into the store, make a purchase for cash you have in your pocket for impulse buys, and you’re all set. Quick and easy.

What if you need something more, planned further ahead? Say, for a larger image, or maybe two or three prints that you’d like creatively arranged as a grouping in one frame. Matted. No: Double-matted, with reverse bevel cuts.

In-store experts can work with you on the spot to come up with results that meet a wide variety of tastes.

Saline Picture Frame also stocks a range of prints from which customers can choose in putting together a complete framed product. Picture-postcards and sizes on up from there. Saline images, Michigan images, and, well, for even more examples you’ll have to stop in to see for yourself.

Looking for something that says “Saline!” even more thoroughly?

Ask about their line of Urban Ashes Fine Picture Frames from right here in town. (There’s a great corporate video online about this supplier, produced by our own Chase Stanton.) [5,6,7]

As you can imagine, these are gifts that are likely to be kept in sight year-round as treasured decorations for homes and workplaces.

With the holiday season upon us, you’ll need to get custom orders in to Saline Picture Frame by Sunday December 17 if you want it to be ready by Friday December 23 — very much in time for Christmas.

Thankfully, extended store hours give you more options for crafting your own take on Kodak moments into the right gifts for 2017.


  1. Kodak moment” Collins Dictionary.
  2. The Paradox of Freedom: How Constraint Makes Us Happier” Dean Yeong, Lifehack.
  3. Why digital photo frames became bargain-bin jokes” Omar L Gallaga (December 23, 2015) The Seattle Times.
  4. Saline Picture Frame (store page).
  5. Urban Ashes (home page).
  6. Urban Ashes” Chase Stanton (June 29, 2017) Vimeo.
  7. Chase Stanton (home page).
About Janet Deaton 57 Articles
Publisher, Saline Journal