Wedding Planners Should Check Out New Display at Saline History Museum

Saline History Museum special exhibit: "19th Century Saline: Love & Marriage"
"19th Century Saline: Love & Marriage" is a special display, showing for a limited time only at Saline History Museum. © 2018 d2 Saline, All Rights Reserved. USA

One of the first major changes to come with the expanded mission of the Saline History Museum is a fantastic display titled “19th Century Saline: Love & Marriage.” It’s not hard to find generic, distant descriptions of wedding events from those times. But from the heartland? That’s far less common. [1,2,3,4]

The first thing you are likely to notice in the Saline exhibit is a period wedding gown.

One of the advantages of housing exhibits in a more intimate setting such as this is the ability to allow visitors closer access to some items without limiting roping or plexiglass barriers. Thus — with care! — you’re encouraged to examine not just the style of this garment, but finer details of how it was made and worn. It is at once every bit as gorgeous and elegant as anything made today, yet readily reflects the culture of rural Michigan and Saline of its time.

During a private showing for Saline Journal by museum curator Bob Lane, a subtle but very important guide to this presentation was pointed out.

It’s a complete list of wedding gifts associated with one couple in particular, painstakingly researched by Mr Lane over an eleven year period. Dating back over a century-and-a-half ago, some four dozen separate items are included. As a time capsule of sorts, it reflects what the couple and those close to them felt important for getting off to the right start in life, their practical needs, and what they allowed for a bit of frivolity.

This list also helped serve as a guide to prioritizing the collection of pieces for “19th Century Saline: Love & Marriage.” Saline Journal was given special access to photograph the items now on display behind glass in cases. Some of those images are available on Instagram and can be found under the #19thCenturySalineWedding hashtag.

A lot of what people know about women before the Suffrage Movement tends to be in terms of their supporting roles for men in political, military, and industrial pursuits. This exhibit not only shifts that focus, but also provides prism that will be foreign to many as they look at these marriages. [5]

“It was very much a partnership,” Bob Lane emphasized. “These were tough times. Husbands had their work and wives had their work — and if either failed, the family failed.

“We wanted to show what that was like from a certain point, their wedding. This can tell us a lot about what it was like to simply live together, to get along.”

Remarkably, the text of two letters that tell one such story in detail have been found and are included here as well. While it is not uncommon to find one side or the other of such correspondence, this display provides the romantic words initially written by William Nutting on August 6, 1861 to Lucy Gale, as well as her reply back to him.

“19th Century Saline: Love & Marriage” was developed in collaboration among Saline History Museum committee members Linda Greb, Bob Lane, Susan Kosky, Margaret Lane, and Robert Wittersheim. As the first of the new rotating exhibits, these treasures will only be here for a limited time.

Check them out today, or any Saturday, between 11:00am and 3:00pm at the Saline History Museum. Then post your own photographs using the #19thCenturySalineWeddings hashtag on social media.


  1. How Well Do You Know the Community Impact of Your Saline Area Historical Society?” Dell Deaton (April 19, 2018) Saline Journal.
  2. Our Museums” Saline Area Historical Society.
  3. Courtship and Marriage in the Eighteenth Century” Elizabeth Maurer (1997) Colonial Williamsburg.
  4. Here’s how wedding dresses have changed over 200 Years – and why” Melia Robinson (May 3, 2018) Business Insider.
  5. Women’s Suffrage” History.
About Janet Deaton 57 Articles
Publisher, Saline Journal