On this date in 1954, the United States Supreme Court “declared the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ unconstitutional and handed the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc (LDF) the most celebrated victory in its ….
On this date in 1954, the United States Supreme Court “declared the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ unconstitutional and handed the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc (LDF) the most celebrated victory in its ….
Part 1 of this series looked at questions likely to come before the Michigan legislature following leak of a forthcoming United States Supreme Court finding that would revisit the validity of Roe v Wade. [1] ….
As of 6:30 am, the fate of Roe v Wade remains in limbo — a status never more legally in question since the United States Supreme Court first handed down its Opinion in that case on ….
via Baptist Beacon (May 2, 2022)— “Be the Church in the marketplace” by Coye L Bouyer, founding pastor of Kingdom Life Church, in Lansing, Michigan: This is a classic story of what God can and will ….
For the past two years now, COVID-19 has tested the pliancy of almost every competitive enterprise. [1-4] With movie theaters easily cited as poster-child for impact of fears that motivated patrons to persue online alternatives ….
Another Omega Speedmaster moon watch story, this time, featuring Apollo 16 astronaut Charles Duke: “As the lunar module pilot, Duke had used his as mechanical back-up to the computer that timed engine burn as they ….
Mother’s Day— via Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (September 16, 1953): “Sermons – Billy Graham on the Need for Godly Mothers,” 13:27-minute audio recording, free online. ‘If we had more Christian mothers, we would have less ….
Supply chain issues have resulted in “shortages of baby formula, … one of the most directly impacted” (food) products on the market, reported Penny Starr in a May 7, 2022 “exclusive” for Breitbart. “Since early ….
Last day to register for 2022 National Association of Watch & Clock Collectors (NAWCC) annual convention (to be held this year in Dayton Ohio) is May 14, 2022. See National Convention page on organizer website ….
Saline Area Social Service (SASS) has announced a “Campaign Kickoff … to learn more about SASS’s new location and how you can help! Giving Together Please join us next Wednesday, May 11th from 5:00 pm ….
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