Today (July 8, 2022) is last day to purchase tickets for Saline Area Social Service (SASS) Annual Fundraiser. From their announcement: “Please join Saline Area Social Service at Stonebridge Golf Club for an evening of ….
Today (July 8, 2022) is last day to purchase tickets for Saline Area Social Service (SASS) Annual Fundraiser. From their announcement: “Please join Saline Area Social Service at Stonebridge Golf Club for an evening of ….
From the Editor— Although I have occasionally written about the advancement of D² Enterprises over the passage of thirty-nine years, this editorial has returned to that for perspective on an important change that will come ….
Independence Day— via Billy Graham (1970): “I find that there is a certain fear and expected cosmic judgment that hangs over our country at this hour, as the Devine timepiece ticks away. Thomas Jefferson felt ….
via Got Questions (December 26, 2018)— “How is Satan god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4)“: “The phrase ‘god of this world’ (or ‘god of this age’) indicates that Satan is the major influence on ….
Saline Area Social Service (SASS) Annual Fundraiser set for Tuesday, July 19, 2022, from 5:30pm to 9:30pm at Stonebridge Golf Club. From their announcement: “Please join Saline Area Social Service at Stonebridge Golf Club for ….
In its reporting on the United States Supreme Court decision in Kennedy v Bremerton School District— issued this morning, CNN reported that this ruling “reinforces a modern court pattern favoring religious conservatives and a greater ….
re United States Supreme Court decision in Kennedy v Bremerton School District— On April 4, 2022, Compelling Truth revisited the question, “What is the separation of church and state?” Noting that this “is not foundation ….
Brothers John and Horace Dodge were a formidable force as backbone to the nascent American automobile industry when they advertised the first car that was to carry their own name, in the August 29, 1914, ….
Persuit of historical firsts is frequently fraught with challenges. Challenges inherent in the efforts themselves, as well as challenges to the necessary parameters that invariably must be imposed upon even the most expert of efforts. [1] ….
On the heals of Father’s Day, Rasmussen Reports survey results posted June 16, 2022, found that “Americans overwhelmingly believe dads still matter. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 67% of ….
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