re COVID-19 and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, read “Christopher Cross Describes His Temporary Paralysis During COVID-19 Battle” by Jordan Hoffman, today on Vanity Fair.
Related: “Some vaccine-related serious adverse events occur very rarely or may not be detected in prelicensure studies. For example, in 1976, an excess of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) of approximately 1 case per 100 000 recipients was noted only after immunization with the swine influenza vaccine and, as a result, and given the waning of the disease, the program was halted.”
Complete context for excerpt above can be found on the Journal of the American Medical Association network at “The Development of COVID-19 Vaccines: Safeguards Needed,” July 6, 2020, by Jesse L Goodman MD, Nicole Lurie MD, and Joshua M Sharfstein MD.