Some six hours after action, the “FBI’s Monday morning search of Mar-a-Largo — a thunderclap in American political history” that played out over a period that spanned from early morning to dinnertime at the home of former President Donald J Trump yesterday, Brian Stelter posted his updated analysis at 12:40 am on August 9, 2022.
Titled “How the extraordinary FBI search of Mar-a-Largo was covered across the media landscape” for CNN, he opened by lamenting that this “big news … happened so quietly, so secretly, that it wasn’t caught on camera at all.
For the most part reporters didn’t catch wind of the FBI action until after it was over. By the time local TV news cameras showed up outside the club, there was almost nothing to see. Websites used file photos of the Florida resort since there were no dramatic shots of the search.
What everyone wants to see is the search warrant ….
But for the time being we’re only seeing leaks from anonymous sources; interpretations from analysts ….