Documentary titled “Boblo Boats: A Detroit Ferry Tale” is set to premier “in select Michigan theaters this September,” according to a July 20, 2022, piece by Edward Pevos published by mLive.
“The film is narrated from the perspective of the SS Columbia, one of the Boblo boats, and follows the efforts to save her sister ship, the S.S. Ste Claire. Motown legend, Martha Reeves, voices the Columbia in the movie.”
Also included is a link to YouTube and a 2:48-minute video titled “Boblo Boats: A Detroit Ferry Tale – trailer” posted earlier this month by Boblo Boats: a Detroit Ferry Tale. That Channel includes two other videos, from August 17, 2015: “Boblo boat in need of new home News Home” (at 308 views) and “Flashpoint Filmmaker aims to restore Ste Claire Boblo boat (at 729 views).
Full mLive article is titled “The Boblo boats still exist and a documentary about them is hitting theaters.”