Focusing on the more granular question of “when” abortion should be legal, Breitbart news has cited a Friday broadcast of “Katy Tur Reports” from MSNBC.
“Host Katy Tur asked, “The country — the majority of the country believes that abortion in some form should be [legal], but the numbers get a little dicier when you’re talking about when abortion should be legal. Most people in this country say the first trimester and fewer people say in the second and third trimester ….
Representative Pramila Jayapal, Democrat, Washington, was quoted as having responded: “I think that once you start getting into those details, you’ve lost the discussion ….”
Hat tip Ian Hanchett, “Jayapal: ‘Once you start getting into’ the ‘details’ of when abortion should be legal, ‘you’ve lost the discussion” (July 16, 2022).