Gallup survey characterizes belief in God as having sunk “to an all-time low this year,” as reported by Breitbart News.
“According to the survey, most U.S. adults — 81 percent — believe in God …. Up until 2011, over 90 percent said they believed in God, but the number has continued to drop, now down eight points from the 89 percent who expressed belief in God in 2016. The previous low was set in 2014, when 86 percent said they believed in God ….
When Gallup asked the same question in 1953, 1954, 1965, and 1967, 98 percent said they believed in God ….
Although a majority across all political spectrums say they believe in God — 92 percent of Republicans, 81 percent of independents, and 72 percent of Democrats — ideologically, liberals are the least likely to believe in God. Sixty-two percent of liberals say they believe — an 11-point drop from the 73 percent who said the same 2013-2017.
The survey also found that ‘about half of those who believe in God — equal to 42% of all Americans — say God hears prayers and can intervene on a person’s behalf’ ….