Today is Memorial Day. Period.
Early last week, Today writer Kait Hanson noted that this “somber holiday is one of the most painful days of the year and should not be marked by celebratory wishes.”
In one vignette, the author quoted Katie Vail, who lost her husband Dimitri del Castillo, “a US Army officer killed in action in Afghanistan in 2011 and a Purple Heart recipient ….
‘It’s not about the cookouts or beach days or sales (though I too enjoy all of those!), it’s about taking the time to honor and remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation.’
Vail continued, ‘I’m now remarried and busy with three young children, yet Memorial Day and all of the hard days each year always bring me to my knees and leave me speechless.’
Full article is titled “Do you say ‘Happy Memorial Day’? Why some military families wish you wouldn’t” (May 24, 2022).