via Baptist Beacon (May 2, 2022)— “Be the Church in the marketplace” by Coye L Bouyer, founding pastor of Kingdom Life Church, in Lansing, Michigan:
This is a classic story of what God can and will do when lay people begin to take seriously the Lord’s call on their life to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19). Too often we think that if we are not called to a pulpit in a church, then we don’t have the opportunity or responsibility to intentionally share the Gospel and develop disciples. Jesus has given the church (individuals, not buildings) the charge to go and make disciples.
Much of Jesus’ ministry was not in a synagogue, but in the streets. Most of Paul’s preaching was done in the marketplaces of multiple cities, and not only in the churches he was establishing in each city ….
The excerpt above comes from near the end of this story. That exposition that takes it there can be accessed from its compelling start via the link above.