via Baptist Beacon (April 1, 2022)— “Called: Living the life God created you to live,” by Karen Blanchard, women’s life group leader with Lakepointe Church in Shelby Township, Michigan:
The words “called” and “purpose” are buzzwords in our culture today. People are constantly searching to find their calling and purpose in life. I hear women say all the time, “What is my calling?” and “Do I have a purpose on this earth, and what is it?” Unfortunately, we tend to look in the wrong places to find the answers to these questions ….
What we “do” shouldn’t be our identity. That is our vocation. Our vocation is the way we make a living for ourselves. Sometimes our vocation is also our calling ….
Ms Blanchard went on to note that Lakepointe Church in Shelby Township “will be hosting an event titled ‘Called: Living the Life God Created You to Live,” organized by Baptist State Convention of Michigan (BSCM) Women’s Ministry and scheduled for May 21, 2022, starting at 6:00pm.