via Baptist Beacon (February 2, 2022)— “The difference in knowing and loving,” by Mike Durbin, State Evangelism Director for the Baptist State Convention of Michigan, re Famed jeweler Harry Winston:
A customer entered Winston’s store in New York City to buy a special diamond. One of his salesmen, his most knowledgeable one, waited on the customer. He went to the vault to get the unique diamond the customer sought. The salesman talked about the rarity of this particular diamond, its beautiful clarity, and its many unique characteristics. The customer heard all that the salesman had to say, and decided not to purchase the precious stone.
As the man was leaving the store, Henry Winston said, ‘Excuse me, do you mind if I personally show you the diamond myself?’
The man said, ‘No, I don’t mind. I’ve come a long way. I’d be willing to look at it one more time.’ Winston took the diamond out [more]