From across the pond: “Michigan Democrats tell parents they are not ‘clients’ of public schools, that children should be taught ‘what society needs them to know’ – and that taxpayers should stay out of education,” wrote Alastair Talbot for Daily Mail in the waning moments of Martin Luther King Day 2022.
“A Facebook post on Saturday shared by the state’s Democrats on their official page blasted the idea that parents should be involved in what public school teach their children. The post was taken down on Monday morning following heavy disapproval.
‘Not sure where this “parents-should-control-what-is-taught-in-schools-because-they-are-our-kids” is originating, but parents do have the option to send their kids to a hand-selected private school at their own expense if this is what they desire,’ the post read ….
The Michigan Democratic Party later deleted the post on Martin Luther King Day and retracted its original statement. It is unclear who wrote the post ….
The post was published as parents lash out at schools over COVID closures which are increasingly believed to have badly harmed children’s education.
Anger is also mounting over efforts to push critical race theory-inspired ‘equity’ lessons in schools – and Democrats’ attempts to paint anyone opposed to such lessons as domestic terrorists ….