Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced yesterday a set of criteria created by her administration to reopen Michigan, based on “milestones for which orders she’ll roll back based on what percentage of Michigan’s adult population is vaccinated,” reported Emily Lawler for mLive.
“The announcement marks a change in course for Whitmer, who has consistently resisted setting clear targets for fully reopening the state.
Currently, state public health orders are limiting capacity at restaurants and stadiums, requiring most people to work from home and requiring all Michiganders to wear masks in public.
But those could be rolled back if the state — which currently sits at 35.9% vaccinations completed and 48.8% initiated, meaning people have gotten at least one dose — reaches further vaccination milestones ….
Two weeks after 55% of Michiganders (4,453,304 residents) over 16 get one dose, in-person work will be allowed in all business sectors ….