Will government imposed stay-at-home orders related to COVID-19 pandemic result in more pregnancies?
Dr Daliah Wachs MD has examined available information from Brookings Institute, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and The World Bank to develop perspective on “Coronababies” as compared to birth rates following the Great Recession, Spanish Flu, and World War II. “We predicted many would have thousands of ‘Coronababies’ by the winter,” she wrote on January 16, 2021, …
[Or] alternatively postpone family plans as a result ….
According to Macrotrends, however, there was a small uptick in birth rate by 0.09% but the trend was similar to previous years ….
Moreover with clubs, bars, movie theaters and restaurant closures, dating has taken a huge hit. And married couples working from home, eating at home, watching movies at home …. well …. don’t get their, sometimes necessary, time apart and risk an over saturation of time spent together ….
See article in its entirety titled “Are We Going To See A Baby Boom or Bust From Last Spring’s Lockdown?“