re Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (about which all consumers of news should care):
Today, “the CEOs of Google, Facebook and Twitter appeared before the Senate Commerce Committee to testify about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act — the 1996 law that limits platforms’ liability for content posted by users and gives them latitude to moderate content as they see fit. The question at hand was whether Section 230 should be reformed to hold these tech companies accountable for the content on their platforms and for their moderation practices.”
Must-read opinion piece by Sally Hubbard for CNN Business is titled “Perspectives: Forget bias, the real danger is Big Tech’s overwhelming control over speech,” published earlier today.
Concluding paragraph read as follows.
Starting today, we must dismantle the platforms’ business models that are tearing apart America — and countries around the globe. And we must enforce the antitrust laws we already have, while pushing for legislative reform. Our democracy cannot afford to wait.