Hoisted by their own petard? Headline by Mark Moore in New York Post this morning reads, “Post’s exposé on Hunter Biden soars online despite social media censorship.”
Referencing alleged efforts by two social media giants, this feature ties to Hunter Biden, son of Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden, and a story the broke in the Post about “business dealings in Ukraine” by the younger Biden.
“The story generated 2.59 million interactions (likes, comments and shares) on Facebook and Twitter — more than double the next-biggest story about President Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden, Axios reported, citing data analyzed by NewsWhip.
Stories about Hunter Biden, the reactions and how social media responded were five of the 10 biggest stories.
It was the sixth-most-engaged article for the month — behind Trump testing positive for the coronavirus and rocker Eddie Van Halen’s death.
Related: See “Community – Brittanis explains hoisted by your own petard” uploaded by breloomski to YouTube on April 24, 2015.