Two months ago, Saline Journal broke news with Borer Family Chiropractic announcement of its theme for the yearly Saline Scarecrow Contest this year. If the DIA experience with interest in Star Wars affiliation is any indication, mid-July was none-too-early for those inclined to take a more competitive approach to creating their entries. [1,2]
But what if Star Wars isn’t your thing? You couldn’t tell the difference between an Ewok and a Wookie, and (seriously), you have no interest in trying to figure it out now. [3,4,5,6]
Rest easy. Event organizer Dr Robert Borer has assured us that non-themed scarecrows are welcome as well. Moreover, since winners are chosen by vote of the people, these entries stand as good a chance of winning as any of the others. His own recurring non-competitive figure will remain Waldo — although we’ll all have to wait and see if his 2018 appearance gives any indication of leaning toward either “The Force” or “The Dark Side.” [7,8,9]
For starters, it’s always interesting to see how businesses reflect what they do in straw, clothing, and extras.
In 2012, Saline Parks & Recreation made its debut entry with a figure on actual exercise equipment, appropriately attired for workout down to the sweat band on his or her forehead. The following year, Saline Optometry went two-for-one, depicting a professional eyeglass fitting. In 2015, the limits stretched a bit further. [10,11,12,13,14]
Again, keeping this discussion to reflections, Mac’s Acadian Seafood Shack seemed to have been giving a hint at the source of signature menu items with the scarecrow placed in front of its East Michigan Avenue restaurant. Further east, Bank of Ann Arbor displayed a slick looking character in black suit, black hat — carrying bags of cash, additional bills tucked in numerous pockets about his person. [15,16]
A satisfied loan customer, perhaps?
Aftermath of a holdup?
We’ll leave that to your imagination.
It may be hard to accept the inevitability of fall and Halloween weather with outside temperatures still in the shirtsleeve range this week. So don’t start out thinking of our hometown Scarecrow Contest in those terms. Rather, think about it as an opportunity to get out and connect with the community. And it is another great way to promote business here in general, and on a merchant by merchant basis. The earlier you start, the bigger an impact you’ll make.
- “Theme Announced For Seventh Annual Saline Scarecrow Contest (Competitive Entrants Will Want To Start Planning Early)” Dell Deaton (July 18, 2018) Saline Journal.
- “The Secret To All Successful Museum Exhibits: Connect Your Subject Matter With The Public You Want To Attract” Dell Deaton (September 6, 2018) Saline Journal.
- “Star Wars Canon Timeline: Where to Start” Megan Crouse, John Saavedra (May 29, 2018) Den of Geek.
- “Ewok” Star Wars.
- “Wookiee” Star Wars.
- “Vote 2018!” Borer Family Chiropractic.
- Michigan Orthodontics (home page).
- “14 Facts About Where’s Waldo?” Jay Serafino (January 20, 2017) Mental Floss.
- “There’s a ‘Light Side’? Star Wars used to just have ‘The Force’ and ‘The Dark Side’” Josh Dickey (December 8, 2015) Mashable.
- “Parks & Recreation” Saline.
- “2012 Scarecrows” Borer Family Chiropractic.
- Saline Optometry (home page).
- “2013 Scarecrows” Borer Family Chiropractic.
- “2015 Scarecrows” Borer Family Chiropractic.
- Mac’s Acadian Seafood Shack (home page).
- Bank of Ann Arbor (home page).