There are conflicting stories about the origin of Sweetest Day — when it started, how, who it was thought to benefit, and why.
Today many people feel that its definition has become more pointed, akin to a boiled-down Valentine’s Day. In practical terms, this third Saturday in October provides an opportunity to pause and reflect for a single day on the summation of an important relationship that’s undoubtedly a whole lot bigger.
But exactly how does one go about doing this “Sweetest Day” thing? And, if reading this article is the first you’ve thought of the holiday for 2017, you may get a sensation that this question is coming at you with a bit of urgency. Don’t panic.
Start here: Consider giving the gift of time. Any place. [1]
Then up the ante by taking that special someone to a movie at the brand new Emagine Theatre in Saline. Or openly collaborate with each other to treat yourselves here. Fourteen different movies are scheduled for its nine screens on Saturday. All seats are leather, power recliners. This is the definition of luxury. [2]
Extend the evening with a romantic dinner for two at Ruby Tuesday in that same plaza before you head into the show. Or dine-in at Emagine. [3]
Add flowers. Or make flowers the center of your full gesture. This choice is always appropriate for Sweetest Day. The Busch’s marquee promise of fresh products isn’t limited to produce. They provide flower selections ranging from single stems to more elaborate arrangements that are both a sight of beauty and a romantic reflection of this occasion. [4]
Along with this list of creative choices, don’t forget greeting cards.
Again, this can serve to punctuate something bigger or stand on its own as a powerful way of putting into words what may not be so easy for you to translate from your heart.
“Hallmark” is the name that often comes to mind in this case, and Little Green Apple Hallmark has been a valuable long-time member of the Saline community, ever ready help during moments such as this. [5,6]
Renée Brennan, store manager, points out that only half of Little Green Apple floor space is dedicated to cards. Check it out and you’ll find a lot more. “We try to make this a one-stop place where you can get gifts for all tastes,” she says. Interested in Pure Michigan? Little Green Apple carries Cherry Republic salsas. Looking for their most popular item this season? “Newport Velvet Berber Throw Blankets” are back in stock this week.
What about gifts for men?
You’ll find Duke Cannon products at Little Green Apple Hallmark, too. You know that Duke Cannon co-founder Sam Swartz is a proud Saline High School alumnus, right? Moreover, a portion of all product sales go to benefit US veterans. [7]
Now that you know you have choices starting with the Eastgate Saline resources above, feel free to breathe a sigh of relief.
These options are a means to an end. You can do one, several, or none of the above in your own approach to Sweetest Day — confident in the knowledge here, that, whatever you decide, you haven’t forgotten what’s celebrated on October 21 this year.
Relax. This is point where you follow your heart into the weekend.
Have a happy Sweetest Day!
- The 5 Love Languages (home page).
- Emagine Entertainment. (Saline theatre).
- Ruby Tuesday (area locations).
- Busch’s Fresh Food Market (home page).
- Hallmark (Little Green Apple location in Saline).
- Little Green Apple (locations).
- Duke Cannon Supply (home page).